This lockdown took us all a little bit by surprise, just as we getting used to being back in the studio and in our smaller socially distancing groups we have to close again. So this time around we are giving zoom a go. Having got packs to everyone so we all have the same materials the challenge is now navigating zoom! Its not easy particularly as every device is different and we all have different devices! We are also setting up Facebook and Whats App Groups to try to reach everyone one way or another and with thanks to the National Lottery we have the funding to try to make that possible. Well done to everyone who made it today for persevering and apologies if you didn't make it on but wanted to, hopefully we can find a solution by next week. The videos of how to do the activity will be posted shortly. Many thanks to Maria Lima and Sam Perry. If you would like to join us on zoom in lockdown please contact us at