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Studio 64
Please note this project is currently on hold
The Pound Arts Centre, Corsham, Fridays 11am-1.15pm
Movement 11-11.45, Coffee, Art 12-1.15pm
Studio 64
Explore art, movement and creativity in a safe environment with warm and friendly people. There is no need for any prior experience and no 'right' way of doing anything, you just need some curiosity and a little imagination!
Contact Sarah for more information
email or
call 07958774617
Studio 64 explores visual art and seated to standing movement to music, seeking inspiration from both to promote creativity. Join this extraordinary group of older people to try out and explore a range skills and techniques, using different inspiration and starting points influenced by the groups interests. Always with a cup of tea, a piece of cake and a chat.
The group is based at The Pound, Corsham and meets weekly on a Friday morning.
This project is kindly funded by Corsham Town Council, Corsham Health and Wellbeing Board, The Pound and National Lottery Community Fund.
Above: Using nature and Matisse as a staring point, Left(Top): Exploring Tai Chi and Chinese Calligraphy, Below: Looking at the body and the sensation of the body in space
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