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Opening Doors - Creating Connections
2022 - 2024

We were very please to have received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund and the Corsham Health and Wellbeing Board for this project to connect, support and engage isolated older adults in our community and very grateful to all National Lottery players for making this possible. This programme of activity included the continuation of our 2:1 sessions with isolated older adults in their homes exploring as well as Creative Lunch and Studio 64 in Corsham, trips organised in co-production with participants as well as mapping, advocacy and signposting. 
Sessions were available via the GP, social prescribers and community connectors. 
The groups formed strong connections through creative exploration and shared experiences. With over 35 regular attendees. 
This project also led to the trial of Cow Hugging


Movement For Wellbeing

We were very excited to have received funding and support from Sport England, The Pound and Corsham Town Council to explore Movement for Wellbeing with women over 18.  Physical exercise has been proven to be good for our mental and physical wellbeing, releasing endorphins that help us feel better and improve concentration, as well as helping to build self esteem and resilience, improve sleep and increase energy levels. Add creative exploration and it feels less like exercise and more like a fun, sociable activity. 
Outcomes included reduced anxiety, peer to peer support and continued use of dance to manage wellbeing. 


Behind Closed Doors 

We were excited to receive funding from the National Lottery Community Fund and the Corsham Health and Wellbeing Board for Behind Closed Doors to try to connect, support and engage isolated older adults in our community and very grateful to all National Lottery players for making this possible.

This programme of activity included 2:1 sessions with isolated older adults in their homes and sheltered Housing exploring museum objects, spoken word and movement, Creative Lunch in Springfield, Studio 64 at The Pound Corsham, trips organised in co-production with participants as well as mapping, advocacy and signposting. 

The home visits explored museum objects through a creative conversation, movement, art and poetry. The sessions were avilable via the GP and social prescribers 

Corsham Stone Quarry Artefacts with thanks to Nina Roberts

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This Girl Can 

This Girl Can, Sport England Funded project, focused on Movement for Wellbeing and included groups at two sheltered housing schemes in Corsham as well as Movement for Wellbeing and Creative Seated Dance at The Pound Arts Centre and Chippenham Leg Clinic. 
The project provided a range of movement groups for all abilities in improve mental and physical health



IID was commissioned by Dance Woking to create a dance for film using members of IID's Brockhill Creative Seated Dance group as part of the 'Where is Home?' project. The Brockhill group have been meeting weekly for 4 years with dance artist Kate Finegan. For 6 weeks the group explored their individual stories of 'where is home' and from these stories choreographed short dances, which the whole group then learnt. The dance was then brought together by Kate Finegan and filmed by Omari Carter.


Creative Seated Dance

Free Training for Staff and Volunteers


The aim of this programme is to support staff and volunteers to learn to deliver Creative Seated Dance to clients in a range of settings including day centres and carehomes. Participants will range from those who already deliver exercise based classes to those who have never taught a class before, We aim to support staff and volunteers in developing their current practice to include creative dance or to support them in learning to deliver a Creative Dance class as well as to develop their creative ideas. The programme offers 3 training days and mentoring support in delivering classes to clients. Clients may range from Older adults to those with learning or physical disabilities. One day will focus purely on developing creative ideas in a range of art forms.


Tutors: This training has been developed with Jill Hayes who was a Dance Movement Therapist, active researcher and writer in the field of Arts Therapies. Her PhD research investigates the contribution of dance movement therapy to choreographic and performance education focusing on a Dance Movement Therapy module. Anne Colvin and Carly Marchant will deliver two days based on Jill’s approach of creative practice and dance movement therapy, Caroline Jackman (visual artist) and Rosie Heafford (Dance artist) will deliver the third day focusing on developing creative ideas and themes.


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This project has passed, however please contact us for future training opportunities.

Golden Years Festival


An Annual Arts Festival at Birtley House, Surrey which has grown each year. The festival celebrates and shares  the work of older people with the aim to inspire older adults to be creative and learn new skills. Workshops have included mass participatory drumming, bollywood dance, willow weaving as well as smaller group craft activities and performances. Also included is CPD and networking opportunities for Activity Co-ordinators. 


Each year the festival has included a community project and artist commission leading into and shared at the festival, for example this has included Caroline Jackman's mown labrinyth with finger-knitted paths with choreography by Nikki Watson. Care homes and day centres as well as participants on the day all contributed to the finger-knitted that was connected to create the paths. 

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