We have been working hard talking to our participants to gather their stories and getting them ready to share with you. We really hope you will be inspired by these stories which make them smile inside, shared by people who are isolating on their own at this time due to Covid-19. We have been so moved by how people are coping and what has put a smile on their face.
We have been really missing our participants, many of whom we have seen regularly for many years. The friendships and connections created between members of the group as well as with us, we know is central to success of our work, but this has really been emphasised at this time.
This project has been designed around the participants we know have no technology at all and so the only contact we have with them is via telephone, its so different from face to face contact but hopefully by sharing and responding to their stories we can ensure their voice is heard as we find new ways to make new connections to help bring communities together, as well as inspiring and creating some great artwork!

We are very grateful to ACE Emergency Funding and all the National Lottery players for making this project possible #Nationalottery
